News Archive

7.7.20 - Cleveland Diagnostics announces the initial commercial release of its blood-based IsoPSA® test to assess a patient’s risk of having high-grade cancer. IsoPSA is now available to clinicians in the Cleveland Clinic system. Samples will be processed in Cleveland Diagnostics’ newly certified CLIA lab.

2.20.20 - Cleveland Diagnostics publishes online in Urology Practice a manuscript entitled “Decision Analysis Model Comparing Cost of IsoPSA™ vs Repeat Biopsy for Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in Men with Previous Negative Findings on Biopsy,” suggesting a significant reduction in unnecessary repeat biopsies and the generation of significant cost savings to the health care system.

5.10.16 - AUA 2016 - IsoPSA: Initial Clinical Performance Evaluation of a Novel Structure-Based Biomarker For Prostate Cancer in a Multicenter Prospective Trial for Gleason = 7